Who Are You Learning From?

Guro Rick Faye

Guro Rick Faye is a leading figure in the JKD community both nationally and internationally. As one of Guro Dan Inosanto’s most highly ranked instructors, he’s widely acknowledged as an expert in Kali and Jeet Kune Do. He also worked closely with Sifu Larry Hartsell as his demo partner and Sifu Paul Vunak. Rick holds the title of Ajarn (Senior Instructor) in Muay Thai under Grandmaster Chai Sirisute and holds instructorships in Wing Chun Gung Fu, French Savate, Combat Submission Wrestling and Maphilindo Silat. Rick founded the Minnesota Kali Group (MKG) in 1982, which has since become an international martial arts organization with branches and affiliated schools around the world, including England, Japan, Spain, Scotland, Germany and the United States.

MKG International Community

The MKG International Community proudly connects students and instructors from all over the world. We have over a hundred active certified instructors across the USA, UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, Chile, Japan and more!

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